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Hey Coaches… READ THIS!
Do you want your athletes to maximize their potential in their sport? Sure you do! As a coach, you do everything within your power to...
Top Supplement for MMA Fighters
MMA fighters do a lot to take care of their bodies and they should. An MMA fighter’s body is their bread and butter, so fighters need to...
The Psychology of Hitting: Focus on Your Approach
One strike away from making an out… That is the mindset many baseball players have when down in the count with two strikes. These...
4 Reasons to Add Mental Training into Your Training Regimen
Many athletes neglect mental training. Some athletes may not know where to begin with a training regimen... Some athletes feel they...
How to Prepare to Succeed
By failing to prepare, we prepare to fail. Too often, in life and sports, we get tossed around by the rough waters of adversity, not...
An Elephant Never Forgets: The Effects of Negative Criticism
“What the hell are you doing? You keep making the same stupid mistakes over and over. If this is how you are going to play, you might...
Shut the “F***” Up: Interrupting Destructive Negative Thinking
Have you ever been verbally assaulted by another person? It is likely that you have had insults hurled your way such as: “You stink,”...
Reject Stress… Expect Success
“My heart is pounding. I can’t do this anymore. I mess up every time, in every competition. Why do I even do this to myself? I train so...
“I OBJECT!” Challenging Negative Self-Statements
“I suck! I always fall apart when it matters most in a game. I will never accomplish my goals. I should just quit.” Have you ever...
GOOOOAAAAALLLLLL! The Power of Setting Goals
Goal Setting sends a powerful message to your brain and provides a clear target to shoot for. Imagine if you were playing soccer on a...
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